I’m ready for Quarantine!!!

I have been taking inventory of my thread stash & have a bunch of patterns ready, HOPING that I will get quarantined! However, it is just wishful thinking that I would get two weeks to tat. I work full-time in healthcare and in healthcare it’s like “…we ride at dawn, bitches!”. There is no ‘working from home’, at least not for those of us actively providing technical services. I am the lead of two clinical (think diagnostic) specialized laboratories at the Nebraska Medical Center. My main, active job is as an Electron Microscopy Technologist working with human kidney & muscle specimens with the end goal to get to the proper disease diagnosis which then leads to the proper treatment for the patient.

My Anchor Cordonnet 20 Collection
Manuella Size 20 (Black & grey missing)
LizBeth 20
DMC Cebelia & Cordonnet 20
Manuella 20-variegated. My favorite thread to make tatted crosses and baby socks
Etc thread: Olympus, Altin Basak
Assorted Size 10 from various manufacturers
L: LBH thread from Handy Hands. R: Pearl Cottons (I think)