My daughter and I decided that after 3 days of moving her into her new apartment in Denver that we would take one day to sightsee around Denver.
We went to a really wonderful neighborhood on Broadway that had alot of great antique, thrift and other stores. We ate at an Argentinian cafe called Maria Empanada, which I highly recommend–the mushroom torta is ‘to die for’. While in the Broadway neighborhood I saw my first ‘yarn-bombing’–a bicycle rack covered in knitted and crocheted squares.
According to Wikipedia: Yarn bombing, yarnbombing, yarn storming, guerrilla knitting, kniffiti, urban knitting or graffiti knitting is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk.

Then we went downtown to the Denver Art Museum (DAM) where we saw the following exhibit that sparked my Fiber-Art-Loving interest.

This was a relatively new exhibit (Sept 2013) in which blankets were donated & collected from the community along with stories about the blankets meaning and memories to the owner. Each blanket has a tag attached to it with its ‘story’. The stories were published in a book (one was located next to the exhibit). The blankets were stacked (quite high) to become part of a permanent artwork and blanket story column installed in the American Indian art gallery. The artist’s (Marie Watt) work is centered around community, particularly through her use of wool blankets. Wouldn’t this be an interesting way to accumulate other fiber art pieces such as lace, doilies, dish towels, etc. to preserve historical memories to bygone times?!?!?!