Category Archives: Uncategorized

A synopsis of my past few months

I have a new view of life lately!!!  I have been getting ready to go to the IOLI Convention in Iowa City, Iowa (which was July 27-August 1) for over a year now.  It all started when I was proposing classes to the Convention coordinators over a year ago.  They liked the idea of a quilt-themed tatting class based upon Split Ring Tatting Technique.  I had been playing around with the quilt idea to create tatting patterns for a while, but had not really dived into the topic.  When this class topic was chosen, I DID immerse myself into the world of historic quilt blocks–a world of color, repetition and symmetry, all concepts that I enjoy in my tatting.

So for over a year, I have been studying historic quilt blocks and converting the designs into tatting.  Once again, Split Ring Tatting Technique gave me the base to create my tatted quilt-interpretations.

I created two different books based upon quilt designs:  Patchwork Quilt Blocks in Split Ring Tatting & Quilt-Inspired Designs in Split Ring Tatting.  They are quite different from one another.

Book 4 Covercover 2For the last year, I have spent every spare free minute I had working on some aspect of these two books….getting all the details done.  I knew I was going to be ‘down-to- the wire’ with getting them printed that I decided to test my publishing skills by getting a third book done: Block Alphabets in Split Ring Tatting.  This book of 2 different block alphabets (and frames to use the letters/number)  had been about 90% done for several years.  This book had lost my interest to finish due to the fun I was having with the Quilt-Inspired books.  But I ‘buckled-down’ and poured my time into finishing it.

Alphabet CoverAll three of these books were published and printed in the time span of end of June to the beginning of July.  I had possession of 3 boxes of my 5 books all in time to go to IOLI Convention where I debutted them.

Now they are available for purchase on my website:  Click on the “Tatting Books” tab.  Payment is via PayPal

The cat’s in the bag–really!

If you look closely you can see a tail (white-tipped) and a paw
He really is in the bag!

I was working in my studio the other day and I was taking something out of a box.  Pip (the cat) saw the box and was trying to get into it. I didn’t want this to happen so, I distracted him by putting a paper bag down and open onto the floor. Pip was immediately drawn to it, and crawled inside–a relatively tight fit, and started to purr loudly. I got a camera and took these photos. He was a happy cat.


Don’t you just love the color of my carpeting?!?!?  I pulled it out of a dumpster at work about 20 years ago!  It works!!!

17 July 15 Update

DSCN2260 DSCN2264

Now that I have my 3 new ‘Fun with Split Ring Tatting’ books done I feel like I am on an downhill course.  I am actively getting ready to go to IOLI Convention in Iowa City, Iowa in a couple of weeks (first week in August).  My studio is a total mess, though I will have to say that it is a relatively ‘organized’ mess.  I have piles of stuff that I am amassing to go to Convention.  I’m teaching so I have had to get handouts and supplies for each different class.  I am also vending, debutting my 3 new books and my two old books as well as my copper-enameled and leather tatting shuttles.

The two photos above are the Leather Tatting Shuttles that I am making for sale in the vending room.  The top photo shows shuttles ‘almost’ done.  The bottom photo show shuttles ‘on the way’ to done.  When I get back from Convention, I will put them for sale on my Etsy store along with some enameled tatting shuttles and my 3 new books.  For a while, my 3 new books will only be available from me:

  • Block Alphabets in Split Ring Tatting
  • Quilt-Inspired Designs in Split Ring Tatting
  • Patchwork Quilt Blocks in Split Ring Tatting

I really have only this weekend to get things done, because next Thursday I get on an AmTrak train here in Omaha, Nebraska to go to Grand Junction, Colorado for a vacation for a few days.  I’m looking forward to tatting (& talking to people about tatting) on the train.  Hopefully I’ll have pictures to share.

Tonight, friends are coming over to help my husband learn to brew beer with the kit I bought him for Christmas.  I have a bit of a secret:  I love a good (dark, flavorful) beer!  In fact, one of my favorite things is to sit on my porch, with my cats, tatting and a good beer.  I don’t drink usually more than one….too many calories and alcohol.  I’m really a cheap drunk!


New Book #4

Book 4 Cover
Book 4 Back

I’m debutting 3 new books in my ‘Fun with Split Ring Tatting’ series at the IOLI Convention in Iowa City, Iowa the first week in August.

I have books being printed (as I type) and am hoping that barring any complications, I hope to  have my books in hand by the time I leave to drive to Convention.

After convention, I will make all my 3 new books available for purchase through my website (PayPal processing & free shipping to US addresses) or through my Etsy shop (which I am still setting up) before releasing through wholesale outlets.

What you see above is the front and back covers.


Need help deciding a name for my 2 New Quilt-Inspired Split Ring Tatting Books

I’m hoping that a ‘Quilter/Tatter’ can help me decide ‘how’ to name my 2 new Quilt-Inspired Fun with Split Ring Tatting books.

Book Number One is what I might call ‘Patchwork’ designs.  They are all square pieces and based upon stacking ‘square-rings’ (4-4-4-4).  All designs are based upon historically-named ‘quilt-blocks’.  SEE DESIGNS BELOW

QISRT001 xQlt014Qlt026 xQlt010QISRT013 xx

Book Number Two is a deviation from Book #1 in that it features a variety of designs that are all still ‘Quilt-Inspired’.  Deviations included designs based upon ‘offset-rings’ in diamond shaped based patterns, non-square shapes, hexagon-based, more open-work, and ‘pinwheel’-based designs.  SEE DESIGNS BELOW

Qlt001 xQISRT044 xQISRT005 xQISRT008 ximg217 x

QISRT021 xQISRT003 x

Any ideas as to how to name these books????  I do want to use the terms ‘Quilt-Inspired’, ‘Split Ring Tatting’ in the title for both.

PS.  I am working feverishly to get these 2 books laid out and printed/published by the end of July.   They will be debutted at the IOLI Convention the first week in August along with another new book:  Block Alphabets in Split Ring Tatting




A little technology win for me!

Today I accomplished one of the ‘to do’ things on my computer/graphic arts/technology list:   I INSTALLED A PINTEREST ‘PIN IT’ BUTTON ON ALL MY PICTURES!

This little ‘win’ is bittersweet when I look a my technology ‘to do’ list…..there are sooo many items on it.  These things are hard for me….I’m a tatter first and foremost who is forced to find a way via technology to communicate with the tatting world.


What I accomplished in 15 hours this weekend–NEW TATTING BOOK

Block Alphabet Book Cover

I have been ‘sitting on’ this book for over a year now.   It has been about 90% done (as in all the details that go into laying out a book, proofreading it, creating preface pages, and creating a cover) for quite some time.

But this weekend, starting Friday night, I started a marathon session(s) to complete it.  I was home alone (husband gone for the weekend) and I had the flexibility to stay up as late as my eyes could stay focused (1:15 am both nights).

As of last night, I sent it off to the ‘printer’!!!!  YEAH!!!!  (I seriously need an emoticon here!)

Today I ordered a ‘proof’ copy!!!!    YEAH!!!!

This particular book has been on the back burner ever since I got excited about my Quilt-Inspired Designs for Split Ring Tatting.

But since my Quilt-Inspired books aren’t ready for completion, I decided to test my ‘printing/publishing’ knowledge with this Block Alphabet in SRT book.  I decided to apply the skills for printing/publishing to this book with the better experience to know how hard I need to push to get the Quilt-Inspired books published/printed.  I absolutely want the Quilt-Inspired books done by the IOLI Convention the first week in August!!!!


Tatting (Threads) for the Birds?


For all you ornithologists (aka ‘bird-watchers’) and others out there….Does anyone throw their thread ends/bit outside for the birds to use in their nesting activities????

Somewhere/sometime I got the idea that birds are attracted to colorful things and when looking for soft nesting materials would go fo threads to add to their nest.

Any ideas about this subject?    Anyone else throw their thread bit/ends outside with the hope that birds will enjoy them too?

This are the bits of threads that I pulled out of my tatting pouch that have accumulated for the last several weeks.   You can see my preferences for colors.  Lately I have been working with 3 of my favoritest colors:  teal/sapphire, orange, and yellow.

Enameled prototype of Celtic Shuttle

Frontside of my prototype Celtic shuttle. Measures 2 1.2 long x a little over 1/4 inch wide.

I was wondering if anyone who does a fair bit of Celtic-Tatting (the kind where a thin shuttle is used to pass through small loops) would be interested in assessing the usefulness of my enameled Celtic Shuttle???!

Leave me a message in my ‘comments section’ of email me at:
