These are just the designs that I have tatted in my ‘Diamond-Based’ Series of Quilt-Inspired Fun with Split Ring Tatting.
There are a whole bunch more designs that can be done with this design principle using stacked diamond motifs that I have drawn/design into my design notebook and computer.
Even if I quit my full-time job, I could NOT keep up with tatting my designs!!!! I pick and choose which ones I want/need to do during my lunch breaks and a few minutes in the evenings. My time at home however is split between actually tatting and working on the computer, drawing the designs and the patterns themselves. The good thing about my patterns is that they are all so geometric and mathematical. I can draw a design and put stitch number in between picots and as long as I can add the numbers up to equal the ring count total, it all works. I use alot of geometry in my designing and pattern-making.
Not all designs work up into tatting though! There are some quilt-block designs that won’t work up into tatting. Maybe in the future, I will share some of these designs ideas that will never be tatting (as least in my hands).
The bottom 3 designs are directly attributed to quilting patterns
- Bottom Left: ‘Lucky Star’
- Bottom Middle:
- Bottom Right: ‘Tumbling Blocks’
The Upper Left & Upper Right designs are sort of 3-D in appearance. The use of thread colors and placement of the blocks tricks the eye into seeing them as blocks (imagine the kind you play with and stack). I have written about the Upper Right design before in old blog posts: Click here to open this blog post in a new window
All of these Quilt-Inspired SRT designs will be published in books by next August when I will be teaching a class on it at the IOLI Convention in Iowa City, Iowa.