The Tatting Corner shop in Indiana is hosting the first ever TATTING Cruise this coming March, 2022.
The prices are quite reasonable starting at $904.74 (double accupancy). That is includes 8 nights of ‘lodging’ and 7 full days of either exploring Caribbean ports or tatting workshops. The 3 days of Tat Sea Tatting Workshops are only on days that the ship is not in a port called ‘at sea days’. What a great way to fill in the time by learning new tatting techniques or patterns. I understand that we may also have access to a room in the evenings to ‘hang-out’ and tat with each other. The cost of the workshops is included with the cruise and I believe that all thread is supplied in a kit. When you consider that all lodging and food is included in the cost, a cruise is a very cost-effective way to travel–about $114 a day. Plus, you can pay for the cruise in monthly installments, thus you don’t have to come up with all the money at one time.
I’m going and teaching!!!! Please do consider coming!! It is going to be sooooooo much fun.
To register, follow the link at the bottom of this post or go to

Click the following link to register for the cruise:
To see more information and another link to how/where to register go to: