Just thought I’d post some of the pictures I had taken at The Shuttlebirds 2017 Tatting Workshop.
The first photo shows the materials and space we used to decorate the base shuttles for the Make-It-Take-It workshop of creating personal glass/enamel tatting shuttles. (See previous post for photos of the finished ART pieces.)
The second photo shows the space where/how I torch-fired the artwork into finished glass-coated tatting shuttles in flat/hoare-style.
I flew to the workshop so it was quite a challenge as to what to bring/how much I could bring. I planned and purchased supplies for months before going. There were a few items that the Shuttlebirds members brought for me to help with my space/luggage issues. These included the cookies sheets, ceramic tiles and fire extinquisher. I am happy to report that I did NOT need to use the fire extinquisher (I actually never have!).
The third photo shows my vendor table: It includes the 7 books that I have authored/published including the debut of book number 7: Snowflakes in Split Ring Tatting. I had been working on the designs for this book for a while (ca. a year). So when I found out that the theme for this workshop was ‘A Flurry of Flakes’ I decided that it was a ‘sign from God’ that I should try to attend. So I used the workshop as a self-inflicted deadline to get my book done and published. Also on my vendor table are some of my glass/enameled tatting shuttles and some homemade ‘thread holders’. I shall have to photograph my new book and my thread winders soon to show you all.

Right now, my life is a bit in ‘limbo’ because I am moving–leaving my home of 31 years. I got fed up with the high property taxes in Omaha, Nebraska and so my husband and I bought an acreage across the river in neighboring Council Bluffs, Iowa. I am no longer going to be a Nebraskan/Husker but will soon become a Iowegian/Hawkeye. (I much prefer yellow to red!). Right now my life is a mess! I have just finished getting rid of and/or moving the majority of my stuff to the new house. Now I am seriously trying to clean/paint/prep the old house to get it ready to sell. At the same time we have some work to do at the new house. I have 2 big lawns to move and work on the landscaping at the same time! Half my ‘living stuff’ is at either house. I am keeping my furniture at the old house to ‘stage it’ for selling. Husband is living at the new house working on prepping it for our use. We have new furniture on order. So far he has had to install 2 separate garage door systems and tear out a closet in our master bedroom so that we can fit our (king-size) bed into it. When I sell my old house I can move all the furniture and clothes into the new house and live there completely. I have all of my studio stuff in boxes and am dying to get back to making enamel shuttles again.