I just finished the tatting of this cross this morning. The ‘almost’ done part of this project is all the ends (2 ends X 20 motifs = 40 thread ends) to complete. I have a train trip planned in about two weeks that this project is perfect for! This cross has 3 of my favorite colors in it. It is a bold color choice….but it is MY color choice.
Monthly Archives: March 2016
4 New Glass/Enamel Tatting Shuttles
My New Jewelry

I have been determined to stay away from engaging in 3 things: bobbin lace, quilting, & beading. I KNOW I would enjoy doing all three. BUT I know that all three of these artforms require a considerable outlay of time and money for supplies/materials. In otherwords, these artforms can ‘consume’ a person such as myself. Thus, I have stayed focused first on tatting (and other things relating to tatting: designing, publishing, shuttle-making–sterling silver & enameling) and specialty needlework techniques including needlelaces.
However, once a year I go to the local rock club’s (which I just joined this year!) Rock, Gem & Mineral Show with a good friend. Once there, I am tempted and do buy some strands of natural beads. This same friend (Thanks Lisa L.S.!) also taught me how to turn my bead strands into jewelry using stringing/finishing techniques.
Just recently, I pulled out all the beads that I had strung and finished them into necklaces–the four from L to R.
The bottom photo is of my handmade enameled jewelry. I have a cobalt blue blouse I wear the right set with. I still need to find the perfect outfit for the purple jewelry set.
Collecting Tatting Shuttles
The photos shows what my tatting shuttle collection looks like. This is the glass case that I have and the reason why I didn’t buy any of the metal/glass boxes I found recently in The Pottery Barn store.
I have had this glass/metal box for several years now. I prompted my husband to buy it for me as a Mother’s Day present from this kids about 10-15 years ago. It was for sale in a Hallmark store. I actually got something that I wanted and liked that year for Mother’s Day!
I don’t consider myself a true tatting shuttle collector. I first started looking for shuttles about 30 years ago in antique stores while my husband I were traveling. I seemed always be there ‘the day after’ a really beautiful/unique one had sold previously. Later, I found out that my tatting friend Cindy Costantinou was probably the one who had gotten them! But I kept looking in the late 80’s and as the years progressed started seeing the prices of antique tatting shuttles rise quite dramatically. At one point when I had found a rather beautiful, but pricey, tatting shuttle and was contemplating its purchase, my husband told me that I needed to decide whether I was a ‘collector’ or not. I walked away from the purchase of that shuttle with the realization that I was a ‘Tatter’ not a ‘collector’. That decision saved me from spending a lot of money on a true tatting shuttle collection. However, I still enjoyed (and still do today) the hunt for tatting shuttles and will occasionally buy one IF the price is reasonable.
I am fairly pleased still today that I am not a true shuttle collector. The high prices that antique tatting shuttles (and other needlework tools) were going for in the late 80’s/early 90’s is not being realized today. The other issue I see with collecting antique tatting shuttles from an investment perspective is that there doesn’t seem to be a reference guide with prices that antique dealers and collectors can use (at least with my knowledge of the industry about 10-15 years ago). Sadly my friend, Cindy C. has passed away. Her brother has her collection. I am sure that he is not able to get the value that she paid for each piece.
Shuttle Collection Boxes
I was having coffee with the neighborhood women this morning and decided afterward to pop into some of the stores of the shopping mall.
I wandered into Pottery Barn mostly to look at colors (for my enameling work–can’t really justify their prices + I really don’t need anything!) and found these wonderful glass and metal boxes. They were being marketed as ‘jewelry’ boxes….but I saw their beauty as being ‘tatting shuttle collection’ boxes.
I actually already have a glass/metal Tatting Shuttle Collection Box. I had seen this years ago and told my husband, who bought it and let the kids give it to me for Mother’s Day.