I just added a new enameled tatting shuttle to my Etsy store. It features multi-colored polka dots on a rich, dark blue base color
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Can you guess what the subject of my next book is?
I was striving to having this book published by Easter in regards to its subject matter. But I realized that Easter is early this year. In addition, I am still creating 3 more what I call ‘just one more cross’ for the book. I have decided that once I get these 3 designs done, I’m going to call it ‘DONE’!!!!
Now I need a new deadline. Any suggestions?
What I did today INSTEAD of what I should have been doing today!!!
What I did today INSTEAD of what I should have been doing today!!!
What I did today: I went into my Etsy Store site and added in some information about me and my shop items.

First of all, I chose one of my glass/enamel tatting shuttles to be my shop’s ‘logo’ image. I chose the one I named “The Shuttle of Many (Primary) Colors”.
Then I added a photo of myself. Another Etsy store owner/tatter (thanks Marilee Rockley) had critiqued my store and had given me some pointers. She had told me to add a photo of myself. I have been avoiding this task for quite some time….I usually dislike photos of me. I enede up choosing a photo of me torch-firing, working in my enameling studio. Inserting a photo of myself wasn’t as painful as it could have been after I realized that the photo ends up quite small on the Etsy site. Thus you can’t see as many of my wrinkles/imperfections/lack of makeup/etc. as could be possible.
Then I filled in some information in the ‘Shop Info‘ section of my Etsy Shop under the link titled ‘About‘.
If you go to my Etsy Store ‘Shop Info’/’About’ you will see what I typed in about myself and my journey to get to having an Etsy store. Also in this page you will see at least one photo of my enameling/tatting studio.
What I should have been been doing today instead!!!!!!

I have a deadline of March 6th to get this project done because I am hosting book club. I need a deadline to get things like this done!
New Funky (colored) Glass Tatting Shuttle
I must have been in a funky mood when I created this shuttle!!! This one-of-a-kind enameled (glass on copper) tatting shuttle features a base of Pine Yellow with Sapphire, & two colors of purple accents. Actually, I’m not so much the ‘funky’ kind of person…I just really like vibrant colors!! Two of my favorites (the yellow and the Sapphire teal) are in this shuttle. See it (buy it) on my Etsy Store: www.Etsy.com/shop/TheShuttleSmith