My vacation time (from Omaha, Nebraska where I live/work) has been spent this summer in Grand Junction, Colorado. This is where I was last weekend.
My time was spent working on the house there (a little bit) and seeing the sights of the beautiful area. One day we drove through the Colorado Monument National Park, getting out and hiking into different biomes along the route. It is truly beautiful/majestic.

The other thing that we did was go motorcycling (dirt-riding to be more precise) in the desert and region around Grand Junction. We spent two days doing this and it was a great way to see and experience the desert. There are miles and miles of trails on BLM land that are there to be explored.

But I am happy to report that I did get some tatting done! I completed 3 snowflakes during the trip. I am now in ‘Snowflake-mode’, having fun designing different snowflakes on graph paper and then tatting them into thread. Look for a future book!