I took photos of the classes that I taught at the IOLI Convention…capturing alot of smiling faces. All the tatters (full class of 12 in each class) in my two tatting classes (Intro to Pearl Tatting & Quilt-Inspired Fun with Split Ring Tatting) were very busy people, embracing the concepts of the class materials. I’m sure there were times when frowns may have been the norm, but everyone was very upbeat and dug into the material, making their hands do what their brain was telling them to do.
This page is the compilation of the photos I took in each class. Plus there is a fourth folder of photos of Loretta Holzberger’s needlelace class. We enlisted this class to take our class photo in exchange for taking their photo.
As always, I wish I had taken more photos!!!! I was SOOOO busy with teaching and vending!!! The few moments I had to relax were few and far between. I wish I had had more time to just sit and talk to the wonderful people I met in the classes. Instead I was rushing from the classroom to the vending room (with a very quick side-trip to my room to wolf-down some form of lunch).