Now that I have my 3 new ‘Fun with Split Ring Tatting’ books done I feel like I am on an downhill course. I am actively getting ready to go to IOLI Convention in Iowa City, Iowa in a couple of weeks (first week in August). My studio is a total mess, though I will have to say that it is a relatively ‘organized’ mess. I have piles of stuff that I am amassing to go to Convention. I’m teaching so I have had to get handouts and supplies for each different class. I am also vending, debutting my 3 new books and my two old books as well as my copper-enameled and leather tatting shuttles.
The two photos above are the Leather Tatting Shuttles that I am making for sale in the vending room. The top photo shows shuttles ‘almost’ done. The bottom photo show shuttles ‘on the way’ to done. When I get back from Convention, I will put them for sale on my Etsy store along with some enameled tatting shuttles and my 3 new books. For a while, my 3 new books will only be available from me:
- Block Alphabets in Split Ring Tatting
- Quilt-Inspired Designs in Split Ring Tatting
- Patchwork Quilt Blocks in Split Ring Tatting
I really have only this weekend to get things done, because next Thursday I get on an AmTrak train here in Omaha, Nebraska to go to Grand Junction, Colorado for a vacation for a few days. I’m looking forward to tatting (& talking to people about tatting) on the train. Hopefully I’ll have pictures to share.
Tonight, friends are coming over to help my husband learn to brew beer with the kit I bought him for Christmas. I have a bit of a secret: I love a good (dark, flavorful) beer! In fact, one of my favorite things is to sit on my porch, with my cats, tatting and a good beer. I don’t drink usually more than one….too many calories and alcohol. I’m really a cheap drunk!