Blognaissance: The Rebirth of my Beloved Site

It’s amazing how quickly time flies by when you’re intimidated and avoiding something! I made this site about two years ago and wanted it to be my pièce de résistance. Turns out, that’s a LOT of pressure and I have put this website so high up on a pedestal for what it could be, that I didn’t have to or want to look at it.
Well, now I am back. With a vengeance. I would best describe my experience the last two years as EPIC writer’s block. It is hard to say what ultimately pulled me out of it, but a few people have been encouraging/supporting me this whole time and last night way past my bedtime, I bolted straight up in bed and wrote down 6-7 ideas for blog posts. This is 6-7 more ideas than I’ve had for two years. Not exaggerating.

I am so excited to put out material again. In celebration of this, here is a link to all 32 of my columns that sparked my inspiration to pursue sexuality full time:
Suzy Spongeworthy on The Happy Trail
ab through to the other pages and bonus!: I founded and edited the “Happy Trail” because my school newspaper was “The Trail.” This was over 6 years ago and the sextion is still going strong, tackling social justice, safety and consent just like I’d dreamed of by current students at my alma mater. Pretty damn proud of this and it’s worth a read, in my biased opinion.