Welcome to the brand spankin’ new website of my dreams

Hello and welcome to Socially Conscious Sexuality, the website!

This site is my lovebrainchild (me being Caitlin Bovard, a 24-year old human) and is really a jumping off point to unify my passion for discussing sexuality and sharing my art, which happens to be mighty sensual in nature.

Not too long ago, I stumbled upon the eureka moment that perhaps sex therapy would be the answer to my strong urges to promote feminist activism, sexual empowerment, sex ed and change conversations (like re: consent).

Relatedly, today happens to be the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS or “quad S”) conference in my very own hometown. I couldn’t be more excited at this chance to make meaningful connections with people whose interests align with my own, take as many notes as possible (nerd power!) and I would be lying if I said tonight’s dance party doesn’t have me totally jazzed.

Please feel free to check out my About section and stay tuned as this baby blossoms into an fully-fledged interactive experience of a site.